March 5th, 2015: Coherence Special Interest Group Meeting

Call for Speakers
Do you have an interesting Coherence implementation/experience/architecture you'd like to share? Are you interested in sharing your experience with the Coherence Community? If so let us know!


  • Thursday, March 5th, 2015
  • 8:30am to 1:30pm


  • Oracle Offices in El Segundo, California
  • Meeting Rooms 4116 and 4118, 200 N. Sepulveda Blvd, Suite 400, El Segundo, CA 90245


Time Topic Speaker Company
8:30 Registration and Breakfast
9:00 Coherence Introduction, Strategic Direction and Roadmap

Craig will give a brief introduction to Coherence, outline where Coherence is headed and what's coming up. He will highlight common use cases and introduce some of the strategic investments to extend these that later presentations will cover in detail.
Craig Blitz Oracle
09:45 Coherence Data Management - from disk to data-centre

In this series of 'lightning talks', Coherence engineers Harvey, Randy and Ballav will outline how Coherence can synchronize its in-memory data to local disk, with a database and across data-centres, all in real-time. This whirlwind introduction to new and up-coming features will give you a great understanding of the full range of storage and replication options Coherence offers.
Harvey Raja, Randy Stafford and Ballav Bihani Oracle
10:30 Break and Coffee
10:45 Coherence in the Oracle Cloud

The planned Coherence Caching Service will complement and extend the rich set of Java Cloud Services already available. Here Rob will outline what the Coherence Caching Service is, what features it will offer and how you can use it. He will also give a short demonstration to show what it will look like.
Rob Misek Oracle
11:30 Coherence and Java 8, made for each other

In this final set of 'lightning talks', Coherence engineers and architects, Aleks, Gene and Brian will explain how Coherence has embraced Java 8, the impact this has had and the opportunities it opens up. As well as providing full support for Streams and Lambdas, the next release of Coherence will make the interface to data more natural and asynchronous processing much easier.
Aleks Seovic, Gene Gleyzer and Brian Oliver Oracle
12:15 Coherence at Union Pacific

Arun will share Union Pacific's experience's of deploying Coherence, the challenges they faced and the lessons learn't. His real-world insights should make this a very interesting talk.
Arun Bangalore Union Pacific
13:00 Lunch & Networking


  • Register to attend the event. Full Name, Job Title and Company Name are required for building security.


  • Melissa Jacobus for more information, comments, corrections or suggestions.


The Los Angeles based Coherence Special Interest Group (SIG), focuses on providing information, resources and events for developers, engineers, architects and operations managers using Oracle Coherence.

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