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Configuring the Processing Pattern

The Processing Pattern is configured using Coherence Cache Configuration files with the addition of the following namespace:

<cache-config xmlns:processing="">

Configuration typically occurs using either Out-Of-The-Box Configurations or through explicit declarations based on the Processing Pattern Namespace

Out-Of-The-Box Configurations

Included in the processing pattern are a number of ready made, out-of-the-box configurations for different types of Coherence Members. These configurations can be used in two approaches:

  • Introducing configuration files into existing configuration files using the element:introduce-cache-config feature.

  • Directly specifying a Processing Pattern configuration file, using -Dtangosol.coherence.cacheconfig=<config file>

Default Processing Cluster Member Configuration

The configuration file coherence-processingpattern-cluster-processing-config.xml as provided in the distribution defines a full fledged Processing Pattern Cluster Member that is configured with the following features:

  • A LoggingDispatcher

  • A LocalExecutorDispatcher

  • A TaskDispatcher with a TaskDispatchPolicy configured as an attribute matching and round robin policy.

  • A default GRID-based TaskProcessor (one for each Storage Enabled member) with a thread pool size of 10.

Below follows the relevant parts of the configuration:

<cache-config xmlns:processing="">


    <processing:cluster-config pof="true">
            <processing:logging-dispatcher displayname="Logging Dispatcher" />

            <processing:task-dispatcher displayname="Task Dispatcher">
                    <processing:attribute-match-policy />
                    <processing:round-robin-policy />

            <processing:local-executor-dispatcher displayname="Local Dispatcher" />

            <processing:taskprocessordefinition id="GridTaskProcessor"
                                                displayname="Grid Task Processor"

                <processing:default-taskprocessor id="GridTaskProcessor"
                                                  threadpoolsize="10" />

                <processing:attribute name="type">grid</processing:attribute>



Configuring Processing Clients

A Coherence Cluster Member that shall be used as a pure client to the Processing Pattern must disable local storage in order to operate correctly. eg: Using the command line parameter:


The configuration file coherence-processingpattern-cluster-client-config.xml as provided with the distribution is essentially defined as follows:

<cache-config xmlns:processing="">
    <processing:cluster-config pof="true"/>

Configuring Coherence *Extend Clients (without local Task Processing capabilities)

The configuration file coherence-processingpattern-extend-client-config.xml as provided with the distribution defines a Coherence *Extend-based Client.

The relevant parts of the included configuration are as follows:

<cache-config xmlns:processing="">





Configuring Coherence *Extend Clients (with Task Processing capabilities)

The configuration file coherence-processingpattern-extend-taskprocessing-config.xml as provided with the distribution defines a Coherence *Extend-base Client that is capable of processing Tasks using locally managed TaskProcessors.

The relevant parts of the included configuration are as follows:

<cache-config xmlns:processing="">


    <processing:extend-config pof="true">

            <processing:taskprocessordefinition id="SingleTaskProcessor"
                                                displayname="Single Task Processor"

                <processing:default-taskprocessor id="Single Task Processor"

                <processing:attribute name="type">single</processing:attribute>



Processing Pattern Proxy Server Configuration

The configuration file coherence-processingpattern-proxy-config.xml as provided with the distribution defines a Coherence *Extend Proxy Server for the Processing Pattern. This is required when using Coherence *Extend Clients.

The config file includes a Coherence Cache Configuration <acceptor-config> that listens for connection on localhost.


As in most circumstances, it is strongly recommended to run proxy nodes storage disabled using the command-line argument -Dtangosol.coherence.distributed.localstorage=false

The relevant parts of the included configuration are as follows:

