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The Push Replication Pattern Active-Passive Tutorial

The following is a brief tutorial outlining the use of the Push Replication Pattern in a simple "active-passive" topology. In this topology one cluster, the "active" cluster, uses an application that performs read/write operations. These operations are then replicated to another cluster, the "passive" cluster, that of which is being used predominantly in a read-only mode. Entries that may be updated by applications in the "destination" cluster are not replicated back to the "active" cluster.

The Active Passive Topology

The coherence-pushreplicationpattern-examples project contains several detailed applications anc configurations for Push Replication, including those for the Active-Passive, Active-Active and Hub-And-Spoke topologies. This are an invaluable resource for learning how to configure Push Replication in a variety of topologies.

Step 1. A Simple Cache Configuration

Consider the following Coherence Cache Configuration that defines a simple Distributed Cache called my-cache, that of which we'd like to replicated to another cluster.




                <local-scheme />

Step 2. Adding a Publishing Cache Store

The first change to the configuration to enable Push Eeplication is to modify the <backing-map-scheme> configuration to introduce a specialized CacheStore implementation called the PublishingCacheStore.

Unlike most CacheStore implementations that typically read/write to a Database, the purpose of a PublishingCacheStore is to publish operations that occur on a cache as Events to an EventDistributor.

The configuration of a PublishingCacheStore is like any other CacheStore in that we need to introduce a <read-write-backing-map-scheme>.

A Coherence Cache Configuration for this is as follows:







While this configuration is valid for Coherence, it's not yet enough to work correctly with Push Replication. Although we've defined our PublishingCacheStore we still need to define the EventDistributor.

Step 3. Configuring An Event Distributor

The purpose of an EventDistributor is to distribute Events to one or more Event Channels, those of which may be used to process and replay the said Events.

The configuration of an EventDistributor occurs inside and together with the <cache-mapping> of the cache that is to be replicated.

A Coherence Cache Configuration for this is as follows:











One of the main requirements for configuring Push Replication is that of appropriately configuring the Event Distribution Pattern. Consequently we strongly recommend investing some time in understanding the configuration options that are available, especially through the reference documentation for the event Namespace

The above configuration defines an EventDistributor that will be named the same as the declared cache name (hence the {cache-name}). The exact implementation will be based on Coherence (hence the <event:coherence-based-distributor-scheme>) that of which is internally based on the Coherence Messaging Pattern.

As a consequence of using the Coherence-based implementation, the above configuration additionally must "introduce" the cache configuration required for Coherence Messaging.

Now that we've defined an EventDistributor the next task is to define appropriate Event Channels that can appropriately process and replay Events.

Step 4. Configuring A Logging Event Channel

The simplest type of EventChannel to configure is one that logs Events. As with all EventChannels, configuring a StdErrEventChannel for logging to stderr occurs as part of configuring the EventDistributor.

A Coherence Cache Configuration for this is as follows:













While this configuration only defines a single EventChannel, it's possible to define more than one. That is, every EventDistributor is actually capable of distributing Events concurrently to many independently defined and managed EventChannels. This approach provides a flexible means of handling, processing and distributing Events across multiple channel implementations, including those that connect to other clusters.

In what follows we'll discuss how to configure a RemoteCacheChannel, that of which is capable of replaying Events in another cluster, thus replicating the underlying cache operations that caused the said Events.

For detailed information on the variety of out-of-the-box EventChannel implementations that are available, together with their configuration, please refer to the Event Namespace.

Step 5. Configuring A Remote Cache Channel

The purpose of a RemoteCacheChannel is to replay cache Events in a configured remote cache. Consequently in order to configure a RemoteCacheChannel one must:

  1. Define a Remote Cache Scheme, that of which will be used to specify the remote cache configuration.

  2. Establish another Cluster, together with Proxy service to which the Remote Cache Scheme will contect.

  3. Define a RemoteCacheChannel, that of which refers to the Remote Cache Scheme.

A Coherence Cache Configuration for this is as follows:






                        <event:channel-name>Remote Cache</event:channel-name>







        <!-- the remote cache scheme -->
                            <address system-property="remote.address">localhost</address>
                            <port system-property="remote.port">10000</port>

The name of the cache into which the Events will be replayed is always the same as the cache from which the Events originated. To replay the Events into a different cache, you should use aRemoveClusterChannel`.

It is highly recommended that you use a RemoteClusterChannel instead of a RemoteCacheChannel as remote cluster channels perform all Event processing in configurable batches. This RemoteCacheChannel will only perform simple updates, one at a time, regardless of the configured batch size. Furthermore, RemoteClusterChannels offer a greater variety of modes and flexibility.

Step 6. Configuring A Remote Cluster Channel

In most situations the Event Distribution Channel implementation to use for Push Replication is the RemoteClusterChannel.

The RemoteClusterChannel offers significant advantages over the RemoteCacheChannel as it performs distribution and replay operations in configurable batches. This can significantly reduce network round-trips between clusters, dramatically improving through-put over RemoteCacheChannels. Like RemoteCacheChannels, configuring a RemoteClusterChannel requires a few steps.

  1. Define a Remote Invocation Scheme, that of which will be used to send, invoke and perform batches of updates on a remote cluster.

  2. Establish another Cluster, together with Proxy service to which the Remote Invocation Scheme will contect.

  3. Define a RemoteClusterChannel, part of which includes defining the channel in which to distribute Events on the remote cluster.

This last point is particularly important. A RemoteClusterChannel simply delivers Events in batches to a remote cluster. Once the batches arrive, they need to be applied in some manner to the remote cluster (locally). To achieve this one must specify a <remote-channel-scheme>, that of which is used to process and replay the delivered Events in the remote cluster. Typically this is simply to a local cache, and thus a <local-cache-channel-scheme> is often appropriate. However, this is not mandatory. The <remote-channel-scheme> may also be any other Channel, in which case a RemoteClusterChannel could be configured to distribute Events to a remote cluster, in which the said Events are then processed/replayed into a CacheStoreChannel that of which updates a local database (at the remote site).

A Coherence Cache Configuration for a RemoteClusterChannel is as follows:






                        <event:channel-name>Remote Cache</event:channel-name>







        <!-- the remote invocation scheme -->

In this example configuration we demonstrate how to target a different cache in the remote cluster, simply through the use of the <event:target-cache-name> parameter to the <event:local-cache-channel-scheme>.